The next series of travelogues that I will be sharing with you consist of three weeks worth of vacation, touring parts of Visayas and Mindanao two summers ago. This was the time when both of us were able to scrimp the P40,000 we saved up for this adventure and learned the art of backpacking by experience. Come, join us on our journey and explore the beauty of our country. Maybe next time, we can do a backpack tour of Asia and Europe as well. *crossing our fingers now*
Enjoying the tourist accommodation… “I’m the queen of the wold!”
April 9, 2005, Saturday, we boarded Superferry 18. Since I was a kid, I’ve been riding the WG&A ferries with my parents. But this time, it felt different. Maybe because I was with my husband and that made a whole lot of a difference. We got tourist type of accommodation and we got to share it with a bunch of middle-aged public school teachers who were also doing their own backpack adventure that I got to share with them some tips I know about Cebu from what I researched on the internet. They were very thankful and I was glad to help.
Look at the very spacious and sparkling lobby of Superferry 18…
Enjoying the view on their deck…
Anyway, we treated the whole trip like a cruise. Staying at Superferry 18 was a mini vacation in itself. The ship looked like a hotel with a very nice lobby, internet cafe facilities and a restaurant bar comparable to what we have in the city. Peter and I really took advantage of everything the boat has to offer. And the food really aint that bad.
Arriving at Cebu finally! Resting at Tito Ped’s hammock.
Chow time with Tita Anne, Tito Ped and Martin.
We arrived at Cebu the following morning, April 10, Sunday. Tito Pedro fetched us and lunch was served at their cozy newly constructed abode. We had fun!

This is the view from our hotel which Tita Anne booked for us.
That afternoon, we rested bit inside our hotel room, which is by the way, the one just across Ayala Center Cebu. After an hour’s rest, we were ready to explore the city.

Ayala Center Cebu

The Battle at Mactan … this theme is everywhere in Cebu.
We hailed a cab and told the driver to bring us to where Magellan’s Cross is. On our way, we saw this beautiful landmark which is a depiction of the battle of Lapu-lapu and Magellan at Mactan. Finally, we reached the church housing the cross of Magellan.

The Magellan’s Cross

Resting at a nearby park.
Not far from the church is a park. So we walked our way there and rested a bit while figuring out where to go next. Apparently, Fort San Pedro is also nearby. So that’s where we headed next. I learned that Fort San Pedro isn’t just an old fortress turned into a park. It’s sort of a museum/historical park where they show the history of Cebu and how it all began. It was pretty educational. I also noticed that there were a lot of lovers cuddled up until the early evening. I guess that was pretty normal for a Saturday night.

Visiting Fort San Pedro

It’s a historical park…

with old canyons…

and interesting artifacts…

It was getting kinda late and Peter and I were pooped! At around 6:30 pm, we headed back to our hotel and ordered room service. We needed the calories for more exploration the following day. After watching cable, we both called it a night and couldn’t wait to see more of Cebu…

Back at our hotel room…
***For a complete list, here's an awesome guide on Cebu: Where to Go and What to Do
See all my posts about this trip here: Vis-Min Tour
***For a complete list, here's an awesome guide on Cebu: Where to Go and What to Do
See all my posts about this trip here: Vis-Min Tour
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