The next series of travelogues that I will be sharing with you consist of three weeks worth of vacation, touring parts of Visayas and Mindanao two summers ago. This was the time when both of us were able to scrimp the P40,000 we saved up for this adventure and learned the art of backpacking by experience. I’ve already posted the first and second legs of our trip (Cebu andDumaguete). Now, let’s check out Bohol PART III. Come, join us on our journey and explore the beauty of our country. Maybe next time, we can do a backpack tour of Asia and Europe as well. *crossing our fingers now*
Arrival at Alona Kew… waiting for the reception staff to process our payment
This is theview that greets us everytime we go out of our cottage…
In the afternoon, after our trip to the different tourist spots in Bohol, we transfered to a bigger resort along Alona in Panglao — Alona Kew White Beach Resort. Our contact person there was a man named Noli (09205566597) who took care of us the whole time we were there. Even their front desk staff was very kind and accommodating (038-50290).
Noli showed us the rest of the resort… This is our “love nest”… We later on moved our beds together.
We stayed there for three days and 2 nights before moving on to another destination. Alona Kew is stationed right along Alona Beach where a lot of other resorts are stretched out. What’s good about this resort is that you get to have a homey feel to it. They have a lot of cottages available of varying sizes, depending on the number of people who will be staying per soom. In the middle of the resort, they have a huge swimming pool where you can swim and frolick, even at night, if you don’t want to stay by the beach. They also have a restaurant where you can order delectable Pinoy food at reasonable prices. And if you try to explore the streets at the back of the resort, there are convenience stores lined up that sells groceries, beach products and what-nots. You’ll never run out of stuff for your various needs.
This is the view of Alona Kew Restaurant from the back which is just beside numerous grocery shops…..
Let me show you how beautiful this resort is…
Hiking to get to the swimming pool area sure did help us burn some calories!
Almost there!Huff! Huff!
At the top at last, where the swimming pool area is located…Whew!
Our agenda included swimming, snorkeling, exploring the beach and other nearby resorts, looking at the houses being built along the beach in the hopes that we get to build one as well, incorporating the various architectural styles we’ve seen. We also did a whole day of island hopping but I’ll show you that on another day, and of course, eat, eat and eat! 

We walked along the beach and saw different resthouses being built (mostly owned by Swiss nationals)
Peter liked the style of the house behind him…
But I liked the one behind me better. It has a modern Grecian feel to it, don’t you think?
There were still other nice-looking houses… How we wish…someday…someday.
Tired of walking, we decided to head back to our beach…
…to swim
…to snorkel & frolick!
Come sun down, time to look for food…
While waiting for our food, we hung out at the nearby boat…
I think we were so hungry then that we weren’t able to take pictures of what we ate..
So we decided to burn some calories and swam again, this time, in their pool.
We went back to our cottage that night, further sunburnt, tired but happily content. Tomorrow is a brand new day and we can’t wait to spend it!
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