been so busy lately I don't even feel like I had a weekend. Aside from
work, I have so many things to blog about but I just couldn't find the
time... like I've finally repotted my plants; all my other homemade herbal jelly soaps are ready (I have lavender, coffee, honey and olive, cool water, peppermint);
I'm reading some books sent to me for review; I got a makeup to try and
another awesome travel product I wanted to share with you, but first
things first! My Nivea Visage Sparkling White Giveaway has just ended and I manually did the draw which I video recorded so I can share it with you here.
I should really learn how to do that rafflecopter thing or random.org.
On the other hand, it's fun doing it manually so here it is.
Congratulations to the winner - Rhi Vz! I sent you an email so I hope
you reply back. Otherwise, I might do another raffle if I don't hear
from you after a week. Your Nivea Giveaway + one item from my Sexy Nomad Apparel collection are waiting. ^_^

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