Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hong Kong: Lantau Island

We are now on our second day in Hong Kong. For those who haven't read my other two posts on this wonderful trip, read them first: Hong Kong Arrival and Hong Kong City Tour. Anyway, we woke up early and made sure that we're not late for this tour that we booked via Octopus Travel.
Our meeting place was at Harbour Plaza...
On the way there, I noticed how so gigantic and futuristic-looking their buses are. Although, I used to remember a time in my childhood when 2-floor buses used to ply the streets of old Manila. I wonder whatever happened to those. Here in Hong Kong, they looked so awesome! Next time, I'll try to board one.
Anyway, we got there a tad earlier than the others. What can I say? I have always been a prompt kind of person.
Finally, together with our tour group, we reached the pier where we boarded a boat which brought us to another side of Hong Kong...
What a fantastic view of the harbour...
I didn't know we were dropping by at one of their beaches...
I should've worn a more appropriate attire... but it was cold! What the heck... Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Hei Ling Chau - Super Prison
How to get there
Ferry from Central to Mui Wo; then by No.1 or 2 Lantau Bus to Shek Pik.
MTR Tung Chung Line or Bus to Tung Chung, then by No.11 or 23 Lantau Bus to Shek Pik.
Tai-O Fishing Village
After our bus parked at this huge lot intended for tourist buses, we immediately explored the area. You ever had that feeling when it seems like you're in limbo between two places? Like you're just somewhere in Binondo or Quiapo but it's also different? It's like stepping back in time but the view is much clearer and more picturesque. That was how I felt like when I saw this place. Tai-O is a traditional fishing village that is known for its various fish products. Despite the fact that I and my funky attire didn't fit in that place, I found it so clean and so fresh (as compared to our Binondo and Quiapo here). These pictures will tell you more than I could ever describe it to be...
Various salted fish products...
Want some?

I actually bought a few of these things. It cost me a fortune but hey, I'm entitled to feel fortunate! They're pretty heavy albeit their small size. They'e mde from some sort of stone or tree sap I think...
To be continued...

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