Friday, July 30, 2010

Party Weekend with Brownman Revival and Gab

What can I say? The month of July really paved the way for my old party habits. It's a good thing then that Brownman Revival does not charge high fees for entrance, otherwise, I might just find myself broke for attending their gigs 4 times in July! ^_^ And this August, they will be playing every Thursday at 70's Bistro. I just hope and pray that I'd have the energy and budget to see them regularly. They're one of the things that keeps me sane and happy whenever I feel so burnt out from everything. So anyway, the last time I saw them with Peter, our gf Koryn, our bf Joaqui and our new party friends Tin and Mau, I did something really... nice. LOL! But I think I won't ever do it again. Not in that kind of setting anyway. Hahaha!

Here are some of my fave photos from that last gig...

with Dino Concepcion

Monday, July 26, 2010

Music, Movies, Friends and Alcohol Make the World Go Round

I had my weekend all planned out. I was supposed to work for at least 32 hours to compensate for those days I was offline due to my intermittent internet connection all throughout the week. But then my body was crying for rest and I wanted to spend some quality time with my husband too. So come Friday evening, we attended the 2nd Banana Gangbang Rock Festival held at Mooters Bar beside Ortigas Home Depot.

Six things made me so happy that evening:

One - Cecille and Dino (vocalist of Brownman Revival) were able to make it. If it weren't for them, I'd still probably enjoy the music that night (I loved Giniling Festival, Mike Test 123, Lose Your Beer Belly and Marco Palinar's solo guitar act), but it wouldn't be 100x more awesome! It's really great when I can spend fun times with good friends (and my crush of all time! LOL!). So guys, thanks for taking the time out from your busy schedule and being with me that night. It was great catching up and having tons of laughter with you guys! Labyah mare't pare!

L-R: Me,Ces, Dino
Yes, I was in such a hurry that evening, I grabbed a white bra to wear instead of a black one.

At the background L-R: Mel,Bim and Mikey; In front L-R: Ces, Dino, Me and Peter

Good times with good friends: Ces, Dino,me

Two - Peter's cousin, Gab (guitarist of Parokya ni Edgar), was able to make it! Karen was with him and it was just so good to see them again and catch up.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why I Want to Visit Edinburgh

Have you ever been anywhere in Europe? It's one of the regions I want to explore when I have the chance and budget for it and one of the first places I will visit will be Edinburgh. This is one of Europe's capitals that I find exciting to explore. For one, it is where the world renowned Edinburgh Castle is located and two, it is where I can do haunted historical tours of Edinburgh's underground vaults. You know how much I love eerie stuff. This may sound scary to some, but it sure does look exciting and adventurous for me, and I'm sure to a lot of other people too! I can also do the usual botanical gardens tours, attend their film festival, visit their national Art Gallery, check out their Scotland Museum and a lot more. Edinburgh is such a fun place to experience and explore.

Of course my vacation here wouldn't be complete without staying in one of their posh hotels or in a beautiful Edinburgh apartment accommodation. The nice thing about their edinburgh accomodation is that they have a variety of choices for all kinds of guests and visitors. If I'm lucky enough to have the budget for a luxury room, I would love to stay at Edinburgh Castle. But if not, it would still be great to stay in an Edinburgh apartment accommodation.

Spring and summer are the perfect seasons to go visit Edinburgh. Hopefully, I can visit soon and start my exciting European adventure. I can dream, can't I?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend with Dino and Brownman Revival

Thanks to Brownman Revival, I realized that the old Jen is still alive... somewhere here inside of my being. I really thought I was over my groupie days. I thought I have become the kind of person who only thinks about work, biz, house chores and blogging all the time. Thank God for Dennis' (BMR's drummer) and Jotay's (BMR's manager) frequent invitations and text messages, I finally gave in and since that fateful weekend, I started watching Brownman Revival live once again! In short, I was revived! Hahaha!

Hearing them sing their songs brought back old memories. I miss the good old days when we used to frequent Xaymaca (the reggae hub in QC) and jeggaed with the reggae crowd despite the multitude of people who were always present, the suffocating smoke that filled the air and the drunken antics of people around. In fact, I was tripping down memory lane when I thought of uploading our 2006 and 2007 BMR photos on Facebook. I plan to upload 2005, 2008 and 2009 as well.

So, anyway, it was another fun reggae weekend for me, my hubby Peter, and my girlfriends Ninette and Koryn. Brownman Revival played at Ten02 bar in Timog, Quezon City. I promised myself not to get drunk and true enough, I only had 3 shots of vodka, not enough to get me up on stage and harass my favorite band. Mwehehehe. But I was a bit tipsy though... just enough to let me have my fun while I try to be there for my girlfriends in their moment of need. ^_^

I also decided to be a little more conservative with my getup. If you remember the weekend before this one, my boobs seemed to be popping out of my dress. So, I changed tactic and bought one of the clothes I was selling and wore this beautiful Venus chiffon dress I like. ^_^

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Missing Dino and Brownman Revival

Peter and I attended Cherry's wedding at Shangri-la last Saturday. Unfortunately, due to my busy schedule with work and with my online clothes business, I forgot my SD card in my pc at home and therefore, our Nikon D40 had no use for us that night. I was devastated! We even had a little fight about it in the car. My logic? Of all nights that I was set to watch Brownman Revival after 100000 years of not seeing them, this would be the night that I would have no photos with them. Arrghh! Can I just die?

Kidding aside, it was such a blessing when our friend Ninette brought her camera with her. Yahoooooo!!!! It was manna from heaven! You see, when "important moments" in my life are not documented, it's as if they never happened at all. Twisted, yeah. But that's just me.

Nah, actually, it was okay. I was even telling myself "At least I'm no longer crushing over Dino". BUT, the moment I saw him from outside the TEN02 bar in Timog, my heart started beating so fast, my knees became so weak and I couldn't get out of the car coz I was hyperventilating! I was transported back to 2o06 once again! I need alcohol, fast!!!

So without further a do, let me just show you how much I missed Dino and Brownman Revival. And yes, after all these years, when I saw him sing on stage, he still has the same effect on me. Take note, I'm not usually like this under normal circumstances, like when Dino visited us at home last October. I am usually very well behaved. But desperate times call for desperate measure. Add alcohol to the equation and this is the Jen Adams you get...


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