Thursday, December 15, 2011

Faced with choices this coming new year (2012)

The last time I felt this way was when I was thinking of retiring from the corporate world after 10 years of hard work. I didn't know what I'd do with my life then. But one thing is for sure, I was fed up with the system and I knew that there's still life after being a corporate slave for so long.

I bummed for a while and after three months, a lucrative kind of job that I can do from home landed on my lap. This was at a time when VA / virtual assistant jobs weren't prevalent nor popular yet.

After four years of experiencing doing all kinds of gigs online, I am once again facing another crossroad. Do I continue living this way? Or do I pursue another path? Now that my hubby is earning a little bit more, perhaps I can start pursuing my passions. After all, I gave him the same opportunity to pursue his dream as I became the breadwinner of our little family for several months. Maybe I can pursue mine this time.

My heart yearns to be creative... I want to make products with my own hands. Even as a kid, I've always been the crafty one in our family. At the age of 7, I was already making my own bookmarks and stationery which I'd sell to my classmates in school. I was the president of art club that same year and at age ten, I became the president of sewing club. My whole student life, if I wasn't busy maintaining my scholarships, I was happy making my own accessories, sewing my own home decor, drawing or painting. That was my bliss. And I miss it.
My life right now is already good. But it's not enough. Though I like what I am currently doing, I want more. I want to live my life with burning passion and desire. I want to wake up each morning raring to do things that I find meaningful and fulfilling. I want to be truly happy. And hopefully, I can find a way to make it work.

So that is where I am now. Even my recent tarot card reading says so --- 5 of Wands - Time to Choose.

Stay tuned!

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