Friday, January 20, 2012

Mambukal Falls Videos

Since the new year, I've been very busy delving into new and old things. There's my freelance virtual assistant work, my vegetable garden, my herbal jelly soap business which I am incorporating into my course on Artist's Way, quiet time, tarot cards and meditation, my interest in feng shui, and now I've enrolled myself into an unlimited type of gym membership at Gold's Gym for one month. It was my second time today and I've already spent about 8 hours at the gym in total. Yep, I plan to go there everyday if possible to maximize the membership, plus to also prepare myself for surfing some more, both in La Union and Siargao's Cloud Nine.

I also plan to enroll in Bikram Yoga, take intermediate drum lessons and finally have that driving lessons I've been putting off for several years now. I want to do all of these next month so this means that some other things in my schedule will have to be sacrificed. Weekends are devoted to my windsurfing, travels, bar hopping or clubbing and soap related biz so I guess what's going to be sacrificed would be my penchant for watching DVDs during my break, my OC tendencies for cleaning,  and blogging. I'm still hopeful that I'l be able to juggle everything. After all, watching DVDs is therapuetic for me (which is why I often splurge in buying tons of  DVD movies) as well as cleaning the house; and blogging keeps me sane as each of my blogs serves as a repository of my memory and my soul. It's cathartic for me to be able to share my thoughts online, whether people read my posts or not. I guess it's because I write for myself first and foremost. So with you here, reading what I think, feel and experience, I consider it a wonderful bonus. Thank you! (^_^)

Anyway, I just want to post here the videos we took of the three waterfalls we've climbed in Mambukal. These three videos serve as testament to how unhealthy I was last year when we climbed Mambukal Falls. There are 7 falls in all but managed to climb only three. When we go back there this March, we plan to conquer the summit. ^_^ If you want to read everything I have posted about Mambukal Falls so far, please head to this link: Mabukal Mountain Resort

Mambukal First Falls

 Mambukal Second Falls

 Mambukal Third Falls

I'll share with you the rest of the activities you can enjoy while visiting Mambukal Mountain Resort on my next blog post. ^_^

For other things to do in Bacolod, here's an awesome list of Bacolod Things to Do.

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