Saturday, May 05, 2007

La Union: Surf’s Up Again Folks!

 The Beach Babes of La Union!


So off we went to La Union on the last weekend of April. We had been planning this for several weeks now and had already been postponed a couple of times too due to various reasons whether personal, financial or otherwise. I was just glad that it still pushed thru even if some backed out at the last minute like Ode ( my guy friend at work who was tasked to finish a major project before Monday) and Gab of Parokya ni Edgar (Peter’s cousin). He and Peter got so wasted the previous night and was afraid he wouldn’t be able to wake up. True enough, I think he didn’t. Oh well, maybe next time.

Soaking up the afternoon sun… my purple bodyboard can’t wait to try the waves! 

Anyway, this trip had some very stressful kinks, I’m telling you… First was when people started backing out. You see, everytime we go to La Union, we make sure that there is at least 5 of us so we can split the gas cost which usually amounts to P3000.00 roundtrip. Also, the most affordable airconditioned room at San Juan Surf Resort cost P950 per night for two persons.  Without friends to share these costs with, the trip alone can be a tremendous financial burden for budget travelers like us. Second, the lady at the front desk of San Juan Surf Resort thought we’d be coming over on a Friday instead of  Saturday so we almost didn’t get any room because everything was already booked! Third, when Peter went to Gab’s place the previous night for a little drinking session with the boys, his  driver’s license which he left at the subdivision’s guard post was taken by someone else. So he had a terrible fight with the guard then went on the trouble of searching for the guy who took his license. I was thinking, maybe this was a sign that we shouldn’t push thru with the trip. I was really getting stressed big time! I think I wanted to cry but I had to remain strong since it’s just a surfing trip after all. Finally, when he found the guy who took his license at around 4 am when we were supposed to be on the road already, Peter can’t remember where he placed the deposit slip for our room. We already paid P900 via BPI and without that slip, we’d be paying the resort twice as much! Gosh! Good thing I found it in one of his jeans’ pockets. Whew! So off we went to pick up our friends at the usual spot and after around 7-8 ours of travel (it took us longer this time coz we left early morning instead of early dawn so traffic was a bit slow already), we finally reached La Union.

La Union… I missed you!!!

We had to drop by the town of Rosario way past 12 noon for lunch. As usual, we went to our favorite food place SOUL (Spice of Urban Life) Cafe and enjoyed heir scrumptious dishes.
Always a perfect choice for cozy dining — SOUL Cafe 
I don’t wonder anymore why I’m getting bigger these days…but don’t worry, I started dieting again, hehehe. 

It was already 2pm when we checked-in. We all stayed in one big room with two beds for only P1600/night. Jowi and Peachie shared a bed while Mer and I stayed on the other bed. As for Peter, he brought his own mattress. Hihihi.

Just before hitting the beach, we struck a pose.
It was super hot and humid when we arrived that we immediately took turns in the shower. When we were all refreshed, we headed to the beach one by one. That afternoon, we sunbathed, frolicked in the wavy warm waters and surfed a bit as well. The waves weren’t that high but it was enough to practice my paddling and surfing skills (naks!).

This was the view from our room… I saw the waves waiting for us! 
Jowi, Peach and Me  
Before sunset, Peachie caught this shot of my long ride…wooohooo!!!! 
After I got tired of surfing, it was time to skimboard the Sexy Nomad’s style.  
Enjoying the sunset…. 

The sun had just set and we were about to head back to our room to shower & rest… 
Come dinner time, we thought of trying a new resto instead of going to Halu-Halo de Iloko. So we stopped over at Midway Grill which was just along the hi-way in the city and checked out their menu.

It wasn’t that bad. It was a bit pricier than Halu-Halo de Iloko’s dishes but the servings were huge so I thought it seemed fair. I just had a hard time ordering food coz they don’t have the veggies I liked. Oh well! Life is not perfect anyway. 

Baby Back Ribs  and Grilled Squid 
Chicken Fingers 

By the time we finished dinner, we decided to have dessert at Halu-Halo de Iloko. We terribly missed their huge serving of Special Halu-Halo. Unfortunately, when we got there around 9pm, it was already closed. Too bad, tsk, tsk. We didn’t realize that people in the province close shop really early. Well, it’s a lesson learned so next time this mistake can be avoided. On the way back to the resort, we dropped by Jollibee for some chocolate and caramel sundaes since we got so bitin with the Halu-Halo. Hehehe. We slept like babies that night, tired and satiated.

Ooohhhh…what a beautiful morning!!!! 
This was what I missed when I locked myself in our room to do my paper. 

The next morning, they all woke up early while I was still cozily curled up on our bed. Jowi, Peachie, Mer and Peter went to the beach for some photo fun while I stayed in our room doing my buisness case draft for MDP. Yeah, I was such a bore that early morning. I finished around 10 am and that’s when I headed to the beach and made the most out of the rest of the day.

surfing the small waves…easy, breezy ride… 

I surfed, did some skimboarding, bodyboarding, swimming, sunbathing and people watching. I couldn’t get enough of it all! We even saw the gorgeous Luke battling the waves with his short board. My body ached a bit afterwards but it was all worth it!

By 3pm, we checked out and had late lunch at QT Sizzling Balay just beside Midway Grill before we headed back to Manila. Oh, did I mention that both times we were traveling, latest season of HEROES and GREY’s ANATOMY kept us all company? This was why we didn’t seem to notice time flew by so fast while on the road. And it really helped Peter stay awake and alert while driving. 

Bye-bye LU! ‘Til our next visit… 
Sinigang na Maya-Maya & Sizzling Mixed Sea Food 

Sparkle… a different kind of soda with a twist! Only at QT. 

Around 7pm, we stopped at ISDAAN in the town of Gerona in Tarlac. Jowi and Mer played Tacsiapo. The game is played by buying anything available that one would love to break. There were plates of different sizes ranging from P25 to P250 each, vases of various sizes, and even TV monitors at around P1300-P1500 each! Before throwing the bought item, the thrower has to shout TACSIAPO! Cool, huh?! Especially if you have someone you would like to smash in your life out of anger or frustration. I know I do, but even a P25 plate for this person in my life is not worth it. Haha.

This is Jowi playing Tacsiapo 

Mer playing Tacsiapo too 

We also checked out the Buddha at the other side where people ask for their wishes to be granted by ringing the huge bell. Then we took some more pictures at the other sites before finally sitting down and having dinner.

 I can never get tired of capturing ISDAAN on photos!
Will the Buddha grant our wishes? Maybe, if we pose some more…hehehe. 
Ouch! My ear!!!! 
It was already 9:00 pm when we left ISDAAN. Gosh! We were acting like we didn’t have work the next day!  Finally, we reached Manila at around 12:30 am.  We were all so dead tired but happy we got back home safe and sound. I wish in the future, we could stay longer in La Union and really practice our surfing skills.  Hopefully…maybe.

For things to do when visiting La Union, here's an awesome list of La Union Things to Do. 

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