Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Amazing Training at Malapascua

We arrived at Malapascua island on Dec. 1 and checked in at Exotic Dive Resort. But it was only on the second day that my volunteer work there really started. If you want to read everything I've blogged about so far during this trip, please head to Malapascua 2010.

Anyway, I'm not just describing the training we did there as amazing but I am also telling you that Carelle Mangaliag and RR Herrera of Motivating Minds (now called TRAIN STATION) train people HOW TO BE AMAZING in all aspects of their lives! In this particular instance, they shared their expertise in neuro-linguistic programming and its proper application to both work and family life so the locals can achieve their goals for their community.

Like my roommate Ian Monforte, I was there as their assistant and my main job was to document everything that was happening. It was a fun volunteer job because it's been a while since I experienced having this photo below as my view from my "work station". I can get used to this kind of work. ^_^

Taking a cigarette break and admiring the view from my "work station".

But more importantly, it's great to be part of a team that contributed to the well-being of the Malapascua island's local community and generally makes people's lives amazing! Our team's goal was to help locals of Malapascua do their part in keeping the island and their community clean and orderly, and to further train the staff of Exotic Dive Resort on not just how to deliver good customer service, but how to give amazing customer service. If you want to know more about the principles behind this training, do check out Carelle Mangaliag's book on Captivating Communication. Most of the training's key points can be found there.

A big thank you also goes to DOT for the trash cans they donated to the community.

With training companies like Motivating Minds (now called TRAIN STATION) teaching people values and principles that work, any workplace in any sector of our society can achieve amazing results. ^_^


To view more photos during training, please click:

***For a complete list, here's an awesome guide on Cebu: Where to Go and What to Do 


Diskon Gila Disdus.com said...

Pretty good post. I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. Whatever the case I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon! Thanks, I’ll make an attempt to check back more frequently. Happy Christmas! Diskon Gila Disdus.com. Thanks.

James Cooper said...

Thank you s much Diskon. I'm glad you liked my post. I'll try to blog more often. More power to your blog too and take care! :-)


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