Saturday, October 21, 2006

La Union Surfing Part II

Surf's up folks! And as a tribute to October being the surfing month, I will be sharing with you my surfing adventures which started only last summer. Watch how better I got at this sport. I mean now, I could already stand up the freakin' surfboard! I can already paddle but I have yet to learn how to catch a wave on my own. And most importantly, I'm no longer afraid of huge waves! They're actually a lot more fun than the calm waters of various seas I've snorkelled in my lifetime. Anyway, here's the second segment of my surfing adventures… Enjoy!

Arriving at San Juan Surf Resort: Irene, Vicente, me, Peter, Vina, Van, Iza, Jem

After only a few weeks, Peter and I planned another surfing trip to La Union. This time, we invited our other friends to come with us who would be willing to brave the six-hour drive to the town of San Juan, not discounting traffic, the number of stops we'd have to make in case of bathroom and snack breaks and the possibility of getting lost.

Vina and I Jem and I
Thank God, before noon that one April Saturday, we arrived at San Juan Surf Resort all safe and well. And of course, the first thing we did aside from taking pictures --- was surf!!!

POINT #1: Together with our friends Van, Iza, Jem, Vicente, Irene, and Vina, we comment: "Need we say more?" The pictures will speak for themselves.

With our instructor, Jericho.... no, not Rosales (I wish!)
POINT #2: I should have had my picture taken with Jericho Rosales when he was out there surfing with Heart Evangelista. Lucky Van! (I took their picture btw)

Van with Jericho (Rosales, yes)
Heart Evangelista in action

I was actually taking a shot of my hubby in the background...

POINT#3: We will never get tired of the famous Halu-Halo de Iloko and the Paviolion's overlooking view.

We introduced our friends to Halu-Halo de Iloko...They loved it!!!

At the overlooking spot

night nife in the city
POINT#4: Do prayers really work in Manaoag church? It was my first time to pray there. Afterwards, my wallet got lost. Either God is testing me or I was just cursed that day.

My friends and I pose for another shot before we headed to the city for dinner.
POINT #5: No matter what happens, we think we'll always go back to La Union to keep on surfing.

surfer dudettes with Jericho, our instructor
PS: The risks I took just to go surfing: Both our Ipod Nano and JVC Video cam were washed by the waves. The Nano survived, the cam didn't. C'est la vie!

For things to do when visiting La Union, here's an awesome list of La Union Things to Do.

Read more: 

1 comment:

Islandvacations said...

Nice surfing escapade indeed... Hope I can visit the place in the near future. Thanks for sharing this.


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