Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jollibee, Downy, etc. Happiness in Small Packages

I am in a very happy mood. Simple things really make me happy. Take for instance the fact that after a long while of not eating fast food, I finally gave in and had some Jollibee spaghetti and yum burger with double patties delivered to our house at 3 in the morning. Then lo and behold, I also got my package from Downy! And of all the things they can think of giving, they thought of giving scented candles. To think I just shopped for some candles over the weekend and I was planning to buy some more. Scented candles bring back fond memories of my early years of being totally independent after college. Those were also the days Peter and I first fell head over heels in love that he was practically staying at my place in UP Bliss and we would frequently buy and light scented candles for our quality time together. Teehee. ^_^

So anyway, I was so excited about my candles from Downy that I took the time to look for a plate to put them on and I decorated it with some of my favorite semi-precious stones like rose quartz for love, jade and emerald for luck in finances, carnelian for creativity and prosperity and a lot more. Here, let me show you...

Oh, and I also booked us round trip flights to Dumaguete for November. I've been wanting to explore the other tourist spots there which we were not able to visit before. So anyway, I just wanted to update you. Happiness really comes from simple things. And I thank all my spirit guides and guardian angels for always showing me the way. ^_^

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