Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I had a very relaxing weekend. Last Saturday, I finished my work early in the afternoon then I slept until around 9 pm. I've been paying my sleep debt for some time now coz last week has been super hectic that I was awake for a few days straight and maybe even more.

Anyway, last Saturday evening, there's not much left to do outside the house since all malls were closed by then. Peter was perceptive enough to cook some Pesto Pasta early that evening thinking that I won't be waking up until much later and he was right. So when I did wake up, his delicious dish was already waiting for me. Then I thought "Yay! It's the weekend at last! I can have my cocktails and vanilla cigs!" Teehee. I was excited to try out The Bar strawberry and lychee flavor. So exquisite and crisp! *hic!*

The Black Bat Vanilla flavored cigs were delicous too. Hehehe.

We had several new DVD movies but only got to watch a few of them (The Client List, Splice and Eclipse which was a complete waste of my time. Eclipse is such a stupid vampire movie. Anyway...)

Then, we just decided to enjoy the rest of our house. The way we designed our home, it's meant to look like a beach house during the day and a beach bar at night. We have musical instruments we can play with, we have videoke, Wii and tons of DVD videos waiting to be watched, we can simply hang out by the balcony if we want to, or spend some time at our backyard.

That particular evening, we dimmed the lights, lighted some incense, and played with the drums and bongos. I played some songs with my guitar too. I was amazed to find out that I still know the chords of my two fave songs, This is Me and Alone, even if I haven't been practicing much. Yipee.

When we got tired of playing music, we sang songs until I got a bit tipsy.

I needed some fresh air so we hung out by the balcony for a little while. It was 3 am then and Peter was already feeling sleepy.

As for me, I finished my cocktail, ate some more pasta, read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows then went to bed early Sunday morning.

The rest of our weekend was spent at Festival Mall doing the groceries and some minor shopping of books and a new oven. I got myself some new candles and scented aromas too --- few of the things that make me really happy aside from Halloween!

Oh, and we got to taste a new brand of wine --- Arbor Mist. It tastes way better than Novellino and more affordable too at Php198.00 per bottle. I have a new favorite now! So as expected, we bought all the available flavors --- Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot Noit and White Zinfandel. ^_^

I am therefore looking forward to more happy nights ahead. Teehee.

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