Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mines View Park Hotel in Baguio - a Fun and Relaxing Stay

I came home late last Friday evening feeling so proud of myself for having joined the very fun and relaxing bloggers tour of Mines View Park Hotel located at 1 Apostol St., Outlook Drive in Baguio City. This is the fourth time that I traveled without my husband, Peter. The first three times were as follow:

1. 2008 FunBoard Cup in Boracay
2. 2009 Jakarta and Bali trip
3. 2010 Singapore, Ho Chi Minh and Kuala Lumpur trip

...and this time, I did it with so much gusto unlike before when I used to cry prior to the trip and I'd be having several panic and anxiety attacks at the airport and while on flight. The whole excursion felt right from the start because I know I'd be going with wonderful people who share the same passion as I do -- passion for blogging and for traveling, and because Baguio, for me, in a way, feels like home. Aside from the fact that it's just 5 hours from Manila, I've had a few visits to Baguio before and each time had always been full of exciting (and romantic) memories. Plus, if anything happens to me, Peter won't be that far away. ^_^

Anyway, because I don't want this to be a very,very, very long blog post, I'll just share with you here the summarized version of how it all happened, plus links to other Baguio-related posts.

Sept. 23 at 5:30 in the morning, all of us bloggers scheduled to join this trip met at HalfMoon Cafe along Tomas Morato for beakfast. I didn't know everyone in the group so I stayed outside with my blogger friend Ryan and had breakfast with her and Peter. I ordered Bangus breakfast set and brewed coffee.

At around 6:30 am, we were on the road up north. We were divided into three vans and I was honored to be with the Aspacio couple, Jennie and Jed, my co-MJ fan Ryan and my Plurk buddy JL.

L-R: JL, Ryan, Jennie and Jeff

L-R: Me, Ryan and JL inside the Innova we rode.

There were several stopovers at different gas stations. Finally, at around noon, we stopped at this huge Lion statue along Kennon Road for some major photo op.

At times like this, I miss Peter. Who will take my picture??? LOL! Thanks to my blogger friends who tagged me in some of the photos. At least there's proof that I was part of this very exciting Baguio trip and visit to Mines View Park Hotel. Hihihi.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The New iPhone4 is Here

I want a new phone and I want the new iPhone 4!!!

On Sept. 24, 2010, Globe has launched the new iPhone. Included in this launch are the customizable plans uniquely and exclusively designed for iPhone customers. Here are the things you will enjoy if you do become one of the new iPhone4 users:

  • there is what they call FaceTime, making video calling possible.
  • retina display , a feature now known to be the highest resolution display ever built into a phone, which resukts in ultra crisp images, text, video.
  • camera has 5 megapixel with LED flash and of course, HD video recording
  • Apple’s A4 processor
  • 3-axis gyro
  • longer talk time up to 40 percent
  • the thinnest smartphone in the world with glass and stainless steel design
  • iOS 4 with over 100 new features
  • the new iMovie app exclusively built just for iPhone plus 4App Store providing access to more than 205,000 apps
It does sound fantastic, right? Look at the photos below:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another Reggae Night with Brownman Revival

eBefore I head off to Baguio in a few hours, where I'll be with my fellow bloggers for the next two days, let me share here first another night that I spent with Dino... and Brownman Revival. (Haha... you thought... yeah... I wish! LOL!)

Brownman Revival and The 700 Club

Anyway, on Sept. 16, 2010, my favorite reggae band once again played at 70's Bistro. We were there early and we caught The 700 Club interviewing the band. I was like ... whut? Well, come to think of it, their songs do convey good values. Jah bless and Jah rules!

I must admit I thought I won't be able to make it. But because I was a bit sad the last time we saw them coz our friends weren't with us and there was this lady who danced with Dino on stage, I promised myself that I'd go see them, that I'd be early so I can get seats for my friends, and that I WOULD DANCE with DINO ON STAGE no matter what! Hehehe.

Me and My Friends

Me and My Girls... why do they look more wasted than me?

My boys (L-R): Brian, Peter and Dino

Merry Christmas girls! (L-R: me, Claire, Mau & Koryn)

Cheers! (L-R: Koryn, Mau, Brian, Tin, me)

It won't be my usual "pa-cute" antic where I'd go on stage, hug Dino and have my photos taken for a few seconds. This time, I will dance, if not a whole song, then at least from the chorus to the end of one reggae song. And that's what I did!

Suffice it to say that by the time I did this, I had already downed 2 bottles of Tanduay Ice and 2 glasses of Kamikazee. I ordered pizza but I didn't eat much. My head was spinning but I didn't care! I was having a great time! Hahaha!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Babies Make Me Sick

12:00 midnight, Sept. 20, 2010, I felt like writing down my thoughts after watching Runaway Bride on DVD with my hubby. This was the very first movie we saw when my hubby was still courting me back in 1999.


The title of this blog post is not a metaphorical expression that means something else. I mean it like it is. Babies really do make me sick --- they make me feel lethargic, with clogged nose and it's like I'm coming down with fever or something. And I am never or rarely sick. It first happened that time I spent a day or two with my baby nephew a year or two ago. I thought I caught some virus and didn't think much of it, though, I already had my suspicions. Then yesterday evening until early this afternoon, my best friend stayed with us and she brought her cute little 8-month old daughter with her. By the time they left, I was having chills, my head was throbbing like hell, I couldn't breathe and then I fell into a feverish stupor. And no, I'm not exaggerating. It may be a combination of things like I was already over-fatigued to begin with, plus all this baby talk and the possibility of me getting pregnant and having kids in the future, and my hubby dropping this time bomb on my lap that someday, he may consider adopting, were really stressing me out.

Let me explain a little further first.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Carelle Mangaliag's Awesome Birthday Bash

It's almost been a year since we first met this feisty, talented, beautiful and amazing Neurolingusitic expert, Carelle Mangaliag, and her equally talented, gorgeous and adorable beau, RR Herrera, at Les Caraibes Resort in Batangas... same time I also first met Aiza Seguerra in person.

Me and Aiza Seguerra last Oct. 17, 2009. Obviously, I was drunk in this photo.

And on those rare occasions that Peter and I would be with them, it would always be a joyous union of warm-hearted and carefree souls. They're just two of the most wonderful people we know, so full of love, affection, generosity and kindness not just for each other but for all the other people, loved ones, families and friends who surround them and are with them in their daily lives.

Last September 11, 2010, Carelle celebrated her birthday at Maruve Bar in Ortigas Home Depot. Peter and I almost didn't make it coz I was buried with tons of work that I couldn't leave hanging. The party started at 8:30 pm, the same time that I was on the verge of panic because I was still not done with work. But I remember RR saying that the party was going to be until 5:00 AM. This is one of those occasions that I didn't want to miss so even if it meant arriving at 12:00 midnight, it's better than not going at all.

Full house @ Maruve Bar & Restaurant

Carelle has such a beautiful voice... as usual.

Carelle's friends singing more songs...

The happy birthday girl!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Resident Evil Afterlife 3D: Movie Date with my Best Friend

I was so happy to know that my best friend, Mer, is here in Manila. So when I got a chance to watch Resident Evil Afterlife 3D which I know she also loves, I grabbed the opportunity and invited her (thanks to SM Cinema and Az!).

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ballet Philippines, Racks, Coffee Dream and Despicable Me: a Whole Day Date with the Hubby

It is quite rare that Peter and I would spend a whole day just having fun these days. Normally, when it's not summer season, we just usually stay home and lounge, do chores, rest or party at night in the city. So I was glad when one Sunday, Peter and I just spent the whole day together on a real date. It helps add a little bit more spark in our marriage, don't you think?

We watched
Ballet Philippines' 41st Concert Season September Gala at CCP Tanghalang Nicanor Abelardo with my Grade 6 classmates. The show was so mesmerizing! We should watch these kinds of shows more often!

Before heading to Ortigas to check out Travel Mart, we first watched the sunset at Manila Bay...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

St. Scholastica's 6-Patriotic '91 Reunite

I'm 4th from right to left, beside our teacher.
6-Patriotic Class '91

Class Moderator: Mrs. Malong
St. Scholastica's Academy of Marikina

I am amazed at how time flies so fast. One minute we were these cute 12-year old kids who couldn't wait to grow up and get out of the clutches of the Benedictine sisters, and now, here we are after 19-20 years, reminiscing the good old innocent days of our childhood, wishing we had the same metabolism, the same slim physique, and the same innocence about the world... or not!

20+ pounds heavier or not, we still exude the same charm and beauty, more so if I may say so. This is my verdict after attending our class reunion on Sept. 4, 2010. I honestly thought this was the only reunion I ever attended with them only to find out that there was another reunion I attended 10 years ago, which I can no longer remember. Is this a sign of an early onset of Alzheimer's? I hope not! ^_^

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Cu Chi Tunnels Adventure in Ho Chi Minh

The Sexy Nomad hiding at one of the Cu Chi Tunnels

Let me take a break from my posts about my experiences in the city and share with you a continuation of my Ho Chi Minh travelogue. I know it's a long weekend and my husband and I didn't make any plans. Both of us haven't been sleeping properly the past week because of work and other extra-curricular activities so we decided to take some time off and get enough sleep. Health, after all, is still the best kind of wealth.

This hideout fits any size!

So anyway, I do miss traveling, especially when the weather is not as unpredictable as it is nowadays. One of my good friends, Koryn, mentioned a while back that she and one of my best friends, Cecille, plan to go to Vietnam and Cambodia next year. I'd love to join them. But since I've already been to Vietnam, looking back at my memories in this amazing rustic city is enough until I figure out what Asian country to visit next.

This is the entrance to the network of tunnels.

For now, let me share with you my experience at the Cu Chi tunnels. Watch this video my best friend Jem took of me while trying to fit in one of the Củ Chi tunnels:

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Brownman Revival, Alcohol, Friends and UNO Open Bar

Sept. 2, 2010, exactly a week from today, right after attending the CashCashPinoy launch, Peter and I headed to 70's Bistro to watch Brownman Revival play. Unfortunately, that particularly week has been very hectic and rainy that some of our friends got sick. It's a good thing then that we just replenished our stocks of Vita Plus so I was able to bring a box to one of our dearest friends, Koryn, who works at ABS-CBN and lives a stressful career life.

So that night, it was just Peter and I who went and watched Brownman Revival. We came in late and there were a few tables and chairs left. I wasn't in a very happy and partying mood. I missed my girlfriends! Especially my photographer girlfriends! Who will take my picture with Dino now? LOL.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

CashCashPinoy Has Awesome Deals

I can't wait for the helicopter ride or the skydiving deal or the bunjee jump! These are just some of the things I am looking forward to at CashCashPinoy!!! All at 50%-90% discount.

When I attended its launch last Sept. 2, 2010 at the Nivo Sky Lounge at Lancaster Hotel in Shaw (which is such a nice place to hang out at if you wanna have drinks with your buddies. Just make sure you have a car coz it's difficult to get public transpo in the area lest you wanna walk from Edsa cor. Shaw like I did!), one of the people from the media won a helicopter ride during the game. This is just an example of what CashCashPinoy is all about!


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