Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Windsurfing and my Journey to Better Fitness

Oh hi there dear travel blog. You've taken a backseat for so long and I'm sorry. I've just been so caught up in my own workaholic world coupled with some health issues (GERD and other emotional issues) which I needed to take care of, plus you know how much time it usually takes me to post a travelogue here --- 4 hours! Yes, and that's just the minimum. Perhaps, I must learn how to chunk my posts into bite-size pieces so I can update you more.

Anyway, I just made a quick detour since I still have a lot to finish with work. I mentioned in my other blogs before that my left knee has been hurting since the middle of this year. I have a huge hunch that aside from having eaten too much sweets in the past (refined sugar can damage joints and tissues), sitting around all day in front of the computer could also be the culprit. I need to exercise more! And one of the goals I'm targeting (yes, goal setting can be very powerful) is to windsurf on a more regular basis, like perhaps, once a month at least, the same way that I want to also play badminton once every two weeks.

I will start doing my windsurfing lessons again this Sunday when I go to Lake Caliraya. Wish me luck on my journey to better fitness and health, dear travel blog.

Til my next travel post. (^_^)

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