Thursday, January 05, 2012

Sexy Nomad's New Adventures

I've been meaning to update my travel posts here the past few days but since New Year my time has been spent on other things that also matter to me like biking, meditation and some light yoga. I've always been meaning to live a more healthy lifestyle and this year proved to be a good start. But don't worry because traveling is still one of my passions and where I get most of my inspirations. I'll be sharing with you some of my travels soon. But for now, do visit my other blogs for updates on these new adventures...

The Frugalicious - It's a simple online store I made for my crafts. Right now, I've been adding my all-natural herbal jelly soaps I call SEXY BONBON in my inventory. Do check them out! I'll be adding more flavors soon as well as other handmade crafts, beautiful apparel and other pretty and useful stuff. I try to devote as much of my free time in this endeavor as possible. You can say that I'm doing this slowly but surely. (^_^) For promos and discounts, like my facebook page:

Mini Vegetable Garden - I started this last September and I'm just amazed at how my vegetable seedlings have grown and are now bearing fruits! I've actually harvested my Kangkong, Okra and Sili quite a few times and I've already made vegetable salads out of them and eaten them for lunch and dinner. My Eggplant and Tomatoes have also started bearing fruits. It is my goal to be a sustainable vegetable farmer, even if I don't have my own little farm yet. For now, they're all in pots but someday, I plan to have my own little farmland too. 

So if I'm not here, do visit me there! See yah! (^_^)  

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